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Heavy duty webbing cutter

Views: 1142     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-06-27      Origin: Site


Heavy duty webbing cutter is designed to cut fiber belt, for example safety belt on traffic facilities, Strong fiber hoisting belt in harbor. The cutter can cut these heavy belt in 1- 2 seconds, and seal cutting edge very well without any rough edges.

Above belt is very hard to cutter with normal knife, user have to normal cutter as a saw, it will need several minutes to cut such belt, and the cutting edge is very rough.

Of cause, hand-hold hot knife also can be used to cut these heavy belt, but it is not powerful enough, especially for cutting life belt, it very slowly.

Heavy duty webbing cutter has temperature component for controlling the blade temperature, it is safety design for avoiding over heating, over heated blade maybe burn the fabric fiber. (Hand hold hot knife temperature is too high, it will burn the belt)

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 MINOVATOOL GmbH Kaiser Str. 5, 40479 Dusseldorf



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