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Bench Mounted Hot knife

Views: 1239     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-06-27      Origin: Site


Bench Mounted Hot knife is designed to be mounted on a desk or work bench.It can cut through ropes and braided sleeving quickly,and fit for industrial use. It is very fast and economical method to cut and seal in one operation. There are no needs to regrinding of knife or insulation tape to tie or seals the ends. It takes less than or equal to 10 seconds to cut and seal.

Using Caution:

A. Always operate the Hot Knife in well ventilated space

B. Never burn off excess residue on the hot knife blade. The blades will overheat, warping the blade.

C. DO NOT heat the blade when not operating, otherwise, the blade maybe warp.

D. Allow blades to cool before handling. A hot blade may cause injury or burns to exposed surfaces

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  18915899329
  +86-519-83816682
  +86-519-85962311
  canty@hot-knife.cn
 MINOVATOOL GmbH Kaiser Str. 5, 40479 Dusseldorf



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