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Cordless Hot Wire Bow Cutter (Battery bow cutter)

Views: 1107     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-06-27      Origin: Site


Cordless Hot Wire Bow Cutter (Battery bow cutter)here is a big size bow cutter for cutting EPS foam block with Li-ion battery, the bow is fixed with 1400mm hot wire, with button power switch user can control hot wire temperature by pressing / releasing the button. The battery has protection function for over discharging, for example, 42V DC battery will stop power hot wire when it voltage is 33V DC. 

Battery Bow Cutter is lighter and easier to be used than normal ones.  Normal bow cutter is powered by a transformer, AC power supplier is necessary, cable of the item is limit for user.

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  18915899329
  +86-519-83816682
  +86-519-85962311
  canty@hot-knife.cn
 MINOVATOOL GmbH Kaiser Str. 5, 40479 Dusseldorf



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