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CNC seven-axis foam cutting

Views: 2380     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-08-11      Origin: Site


CNC seven-axis foam cutting machine with rotary cutting, 3D cutting, independent shaft taper cutting and other functions.

This is a very popular series among our customers due to a wide variety of available sizes and optional equipment.

All the IX series cutters can be equipped in the DoubleWire feature (two cutting wires) and the majority of them can come with a TurnTable, Lathe, ShapeWire Tool, independent Axis Control and many other features which turn your cutter into a truly versatile one.

While custom-made machines are of course available the wide choice standard sizes in the IX series satisfies the majority of our customers

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  18915899329
  +86-519-83816682
  +86-519-85962311
  canty@hot-knife.cn
 MINOVATOOL GmbH Kaiser Str. 5, 40479 Dusseldorf



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